08 septembre 2008

Projecto HOQUEI EM PATINS nos JOGOS OLIMPICOS / Roller Hockey in the Olympic Games Project

VIDEO: "Roller Hockey - One roller sport with many names worldwide; Rink Hockey, Hoquei Patin, Rollhockey, Hardball Hockey"...

Penso que todos queremos o HOQUEI em PATINS nos JOGOS OLIMPICOS.
Este video, é so... um Hino ao Hoquei em Patins.
Um e-mail recebido dos USA, convida todos os que estiverem interessados, a dar uma ajuda no que puderem, para que o Hoquei em Patin regresse um dia aos jogos olimpicos.
Quem quizer ajudar, é favor contactar-me. (pedro.antunes@ fsgpaquis.ch)
sem espaços!
Espero que possamos criar um grupo de trabalho, em que cada um fará o melhor que pode e sabe.

Pedro Antunes
Mensagem recebida em Inglês, que transmito na integra:

"Hello All,

As I was sitting a work, checking up on the latest posts on www.digg.com, it occurred to me that we need to work together to get some momentum for our sport to make it back into the Olympics.

You three have been included on this email because I know that the three of you are very influential/involved in the growth of our sport worldwide.

What I was thinking that we need to do is to write-up an article that gives solid, indisputable reasons why Rink Hockey (Hardball Roller Hockey) needs to be in the Olympics. Have stats, pictures, facts about all the countries that play, and whatever else that could really show why it needs to be in the Olympics. Additionally, on that post, write it in multiple languages so it appeals to not just English speaking, or Spanish speaking, but to as many as we can translate it into.

Then we post links to it on sites like www.digg.com, or www.reddit.com, or what ever other sites we can think of.

Then, we use our collections of contact information (I've got 130+ myself) and send emails to everybody we know to instruct them on how to go to the site and "vote" for the article to become more popular. I know with www.digg.com, it only takes about 800-1000 votes (diggs) to make it to the main page, the main page that is seen be everybody who goes to that site (236 million visitors annually - wikipedia). If we get England and Australia involved, there is no way we couldn't get 1000 people to vote (digg) it. Then, at least for that 24 hour period, millions of people would see the headline for the article and more than likely, view it. Yes, we would also want to evaluate which site the article is posted on because it will take a "big" hit in views, but with the right preparation, this can be handled.

Of course, I would want to send the email out to all of our contacts prior to the posting so they know the time and day to go to the site and vote for it.

I'm sure there are some gaps that would need to be filled in, but I think this can be the first step in really gaining some momentum in getting our sport back into the Olympics.

What do you think? Do you think this can be done?

Please forward this email to anybody who you think could help with either the creation of the article or the contacting of people (England and Australia people especially).


O primeiro passo que eu posso fazer, é a criação neste espaço, do tema "OLYMPIC HOCKEY", no qual serao postadas todas as mensagens relativas ao tema.
The first step i can do, is to creat the them "OLYMPIC HOCKEY" in this blog, where i will post everything about that.

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

porque é que o hoquei em patins deixou de ser uma modalidade olimpica? alguem me explica??
responda para o mail paulo.joomla@gmail.com

Anonyme a dit…

O Hóquei em Patins nunca foi modalidade olímpica, o que houve foi a intenção de a considerar como tal. Se não estou em erro nos Jogos Olimpicos em Espanha houve a apresentação da modalidade como tal e não foi aceite. As razões porque isso aconteceu nunca foram devidamente esclarecidas e estudadas, penso que se procurarmos estas respostas talvez se consiga voltar ao palco dos JOGOS OLÍMPICOS